Started glazing the WIP. it's a beginning, though I'm not sure where I'm heading (haw! no pun intended). Amaco underglazes, first firing, to be continued...
AND, making some new bowl molds - I've been using these bowls as slump molds and I think I can get a cleaner result with a plaster mold - so at it I went this weekend. I actually really like working with plaster. I found myself mold-happy walking around my house eyeing everything as potential molds...go mold or go home!
Ed made the wood molds for me to be re-used, so just getting started. If I can get some success, I'll make enough to up my production! Actually, I've not made this type of mold before, I got some tips from Tiffany Schmierer over the phone and tried to figure out the rest. Possibly not the best practice - I made a clay 'rim' for the bowl to seat on and made it pretty clean and tight. I then put Vaseline on the bowl, which is made of bamboo, and poured away. The bamboo is pretty snug in the mold, it hasn't yet released. I'm hoping that when the plaster dries more the bamboo will lose some of the suction and be set free?
I probably could have watched a you tube video....