here are some shots of work in progress and completed new work. I am using cone 5 smooth body bmix. I went through a period of trying a bunch of cone 5 porcelain clay bodies and I did have some even results. I have found with my process, manhandling, the porcelain wasn't going to work, there was too much loss and too much frustration - literally coming apart at the seams! I can say it's also the lack of patience and skill by the user, no doubt! For pumping out a steady stream of functional ware, the bmix is so stout, so predictable, with enough elegance in it's final color, a smooth enough body for the's a workhorse. In fact, the vanilla color of the clay body adds that little somptin' somptin' to the nostalgic flavor I'm looking for! Still the porcelain is wringing in my ears.
favorite tool; a tiny exacto!
The best part is when I happen to get the clay at it's most perfect leather-ness - drawing at that perfect time is absolute bliss...a million tiny lines. I need to get out the house a bit more.
I am a rank amateur, a novice, a makeelearn, so all I can do is look on and admire. I have no idea what a bmix is, but I hope I'll remember when I need it! I love your whale in its own blue world, just straddling the divide with its tail. Actually I love all of it!
haw! and I'm facinated by the moniker pimpmybricks! Bmix is a clay body and it's a good clay body, made by laguna. Bmix comes in a cone 10 as well - with or without sand and/or grog. People who are sane usually like some sand or grog.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely not sane, that's me! Love bmix. And love your work!
ReplyDeleteDefintely some of the nicest "domestic" ware I have seen.
ReplyDeleteI really like these, they remind me of old "scrimshaw" which I am sure is what you intended, but I don't understand how they are done.
Is it a white body that you stain afterwards?
thank you Patricia! Imagine - thanks. It's a pretty simple process really, no bells and whistles...I have stain that I put in the lines at the bisque stage. And yes, I am going for a very natural, nostalgic but slightly new and modern look. I happen to be a history kook and maritime history is a big influence - I also live in view of on and around the ocean. thanks so much for comments! appreciated!